Welcome 2023!!!
Thank you for an amazing holiday season!
Greetings and Happy 2023 from Summit Jewelers! We had a wonderful holiday season and wanted to say THANK YOU for continuing to come to us for all of your jewelry needs. We got to be a part of so many special Christmas gifts, New Year’s marriage proposals, and fabulous holiday party adornments! We wouldn’t be here without our wonderful, loyal clients and we truly appreciate your choice to work with us for any jewelry needs, large and small.
We are looking forward to a wonderful year of new inventory pieces, creating custom designs for you, and various events. Make sure you stop by the store today!
The birthstone of January is the Garnet gemstone. Those born in January are lucky to have the beautiful and diverse garnet as their birthstone. Garnets are commonly red but also come in an extraordinary range of beautiful colors, including orange, yellow, purple and vibrant green. There are even garnets that change color from blue to purple in different lighting. Some believe the true value of the garnet birthstone is its power to bring the wearer good health, wealth and happiness.
Natural Mozambique Garnet is the traditional birthstone for January and the stone that celebrates the 2nd anniversary of marriage.
Mozambique garnets are ‘classic’ red gemstones from Mozambique’s Niassa Province. One of the most affordable yet beautiful of all Garnets, Mozambique Garnet displays a timeless beauty, resembling both the Garnets of antiquity as well as the popular Bohemian Garnets of the 19th century.
Mozambique Garnet is believed to be the ultimate declaration of love. These gemstones have a high refractive index, giving them exceptional brilliance. Even in unfavorable lighting conditions, well-cut Mozambique garnets will sparkle vividly. Garnets were thought to cure depression, protect against bad dreams, and more.
‘The Rolls Royce of the Green’-Harry Platt, Tiffany & Co, 1967
Tsavorite Garnet was discovered by British geologist Campbell R. Bridges in 1967 and named by Harry Platt of Tiffany & Company (New York) who immediately recognized its potential due to its gemological pedigree and named it after the Tsavo Game Reserve in Kenya, the area of its discovery. Though Tsavorite is found in both Tanzania and Kenya, the very finest Tsavorite, with the purest green hues is still only found in Tsavo, Kenya.
Tsavorite has earned its place as one of the world’s finest colored gemstones. Its high refractive index and dispersion levels translate into wonderful brilliance and it is far less included than its cousin, Emerald. Its stunning, pure green hues, durability, purity, and rareness have attracted gem collectors and jewelry lovers alike.
Tsavorite, the stone of benevolence, vitality, prosperity, vigor, and compassion.
° It is believed to be the gemstone that helps one discover the beauty within themselves and others.
° Tsavorite is said to aid in the recovery of emotional trauma or illness and supports cellular regeneration and growth within the body.
° The stone for increasing prosperity and for reducing the financial anxieties of the ones who wear it.
° Tsavorite is believed to heal the heart chakra, increasing zest and vitality and inducing feelings of charity and benevolence.
° Meditating with Tsavorite is believed to facilitate communication with higher spiritual realms and increase psychic awareness and intuition
the gem for the 25th anniversary.
Rhodolite is the name used to describe the lovely pinkish, purplish, or purple-red garnet which is a mixture of Almandite and Pyrope. This rare garnet shows a wonderful velvety red with a fine purple or raspberry-colored undertone. This name was first used in the late nineteenth century to describe the new rhododendron shade of garnet discovered in North Carolina.
Unlike the common red garnets which tend towards a very deep red with a brownish secondary hue, rhodolite is lighter and brighter in color. The best specimens are a rich raspberries that can sometimes resemble the more expensive rubellite tourmaline.
The origin of the name is from the Greek word, “rhodon”, meaning rose, alluding to its color.
Spessartite is a variety of garnet distinguished by its vivid orange fire.
The most desired stones are pure vivid orange and you will sometimes find them described as “fanta” or “mandarine” garnets. Same as with other garnets, there are a lot of stones that contain molecules appropriate to a different garnet species. As a result there are many stones with a varying degree of red hue present, due to the Almadine molecule. More rarely you will also see gemstones of this species that depart towards the yellow.
Spessartite garnet is an orange to red-brown gemstone that belongs to the large and varied garnet species of gems. The name, “spessartine” comes from the Bavarian word, “Spessart”, meaning “forest”, which is a mountain range in Germany where spessartine garnet deposits were found in the 1880s.
Spessartite garnet is said to provide its wearer with analytical and creative abilities, strength of heart and the eagerness to assist others.
Some of the most highly sought after and and hard to find Garnets out there are the color change stones from Madagascar This material is probably a mix of Spessartine and Grossular with a slight amount of Pyrope in it. The gem has a very attractive purple-pink color under halogen lighting, and changes to a greenish-blue color in sunlight. The gem displays an actual “Alexandrite”-type color change, which is very difficult to find any color change stones. The stone is only very very slightly included. Most color change stones actually only show a color “shift”, which means they really don’t change color strongly i.e., from blue to purple.
A rare Purple Garnet from East Africa. There were specimens from deposits in Tanzania and Mozambique, with the finest material coming from the Mozambique mine. Indeed, the top grade pieces were among the most beautiful garnets we’ve seen anywhere.
What’s special about these garnets is the wonderful color — an intense purple with red flashes that we call Royal Purple. The Mozambique material in particular has a bright open color with wonderful brilliance. If this wasn’t enough, these garnets also display a fascinating color change, from grape under daylight to cranberry with magenta flashes under incandescent lighting.
Have a fun and safe start to the new year! -The Summit Team
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